Numerology Consultation

What is Numerology 

Numerology is the belief in an occult, divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. It is also known as the study of the numeric values, through an alphanumeric system, of the letters in words and the names. When numerology is applied to a person’s name, it is a form of Onomancy.

Explaining into more clear terms, Numerology is a science that believes that every number has a vibration and that specific numbers or number combinations can disclose a lot about one’s life. Numerology consultation can reveal a lot about one’s life. This service’s philosophy is that the ‘date’ of birth is the most important factor in Numerology calculations and forecasts.

best numerology consultation in india

Numerology Consultation at ease by
“Astro Numero By Pooja”

Astrologer Pooja R. Gupta is also a certified numerologist with 6+ years of experience in practicing numerology and helping people across the India with her knowledge of Numerology by applying it with the life of the individual to understand their current issues and other details related to fortunes and horoscope. Remedies provided via multiple medium of occult science and numerology is one of them. We provide numerology consultation service via on-call, Video call and chat sessions.

A numerology consultation with a professional numerologist will help you realize that your birth number, as well as your destiny number, reveal a lot about your life and your personality. Popular Numerologists like Pooja Gupta gives numerology consultation to focus on areas such as intelligence, precautions, good academic advancement, longevity, career growth, finance, relationships, health, hard work, and luxury when assessing.

General FAQs:

Q: What is numerology all about? Is it worth approaching a numerologist and taking their advice?
I believe, each number is associated with vibration and frequency of particular nearby sphere of influence and same is very peculiar/unique in nature; similar to those of planets; Entire universe is vibrationally connected through ether hence, effect or impact at any one point within the cosmos is directly or indirectly connected to other mass-energy object for its effect; future and past is only 4th dimension of number line called “time”, that changes with efflux of planetary motion (time); and all this changes occur only due to rotation, vibration in certain unique path as governed by nearby planets of that body (Example: Earth revolving around Sun).Thus every different vibration from different plant are directly/indirectly represents it`s effect through number in life of the person, with help of numerologist person may recognize some favorable and unfavorable combinations for super positioning the better aura to self help by favorable numbers and avoid selling unfavorable numbers.

Q: What are the charges for online consultation services?
If you are looking to consult with an astrologer to discuss you issues and challenges of your life. Also looking for the remedies, you can get in touch with us today. We offer on call or on chat astrology/numerology/tarot reading consultation session. Charges for online consultation starts from Rs. 1,000 for a session and goes upto Rs. 5,000 for the consultation session + remedies. For further detail contact us today at +91 9999 30 90 40.

Q: Tell me is Numerology based solely on my date of birth?
Your personal Numerology chart is primarily based on two things: your date of birth and the name you were given at birth, but also takes into account the name you use today. Some numbers and cycles in your Numerology chart are derived from your birth date while others come from the letters of your birth name. According to Numerology, the name you were first given is the perfect name for you — the name you were truly meant to have.

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